“Love isn't something natural. Rather it requires
discipline, concentration, patience, faith, and the overcoming of narcissism. It isn't a feeling, it is a practice.”

- Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Quote 2 of the Day..Deep..

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.


One more topic to discuss… Happiness….

Happiness, noun

1. The quality or state of being happy

2. Good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy

The state of being happy…. How many can say when I wake up in the morning regardless of the day I had I am happy, and when I go to bed I close my eyes I am in that state of happiness? Not many. And let me add that that place of pure happiness in your mind and heart is a great place to be at… Regardless of any issue that is going on around you, you are able to still be in that mental state.

I always ask people are you happy, like really happy and if you’re not why not. Because in all actuality if you’re not happy you can change that. We all have that power to change and become a better u. And that’s not saying go and change for someone else you have to want that for you. You have to want to break that old thing and start something new. We all are capable of finding pure happiness if we take the time to understand ourselves. And when you do find it, there is nothing or no one that will be able to take it from you.

I don’t know how many people say I don’t know how to be happy… Smh… What they really are saying is that I am content in where I am and I am going to settle for this state right now because what reason do I have to change. And when you see that in a person you usually see that in all in that social circle. Because the term birds of a feather flock together is very much true… When you surround yourself around people and situations that aren’t happy it gets harder to see that that is not a healthy state to be at. It becomes normal for you…

Let me just say this, just because those people you associate with might be family doesn’t mean it is always the healthy… * I’ll wait*…

Let me say it one more time, just because those people you associate with might be family doesn’t mean it is always healthy…

Yes that is where things can get a little shaky because everyone is raised in saying blood is thicker than water. The way I look at it is you can’t pick your family so make sure you pick your friends wisely. That is not saying you don’t love your family it’s just saying you don’t have to deal with and surround yourself by the negative that might come from some family members. Because one bad apple will ruin the bunch… It’s natural… It only takes one person to say something negative that can either bring the group into a negative mindset. And that is a continuous cycle until you know for yourself that that is not what life is about…

There is nothing wrong with walking away. Walking away is the first step to you becoming a better you and finding that happiness that we all have in our hearts if you’re ready to have that peace in your mind and heart…

So now my question is for people, Are you happy within your life and if you’re not how are going to change it?

Song of the Day

Heard this song for the first time last night… J  

Quote for the Day..

It is impossible to defeat and ignorant man by argument.

                                   ~William McAdoo

Living Your Past in Your Present

 I want to touch on the subject of  people living their past in their present for a second….

We all have moments in our life where we have been faced with the fact of taking a stand and making a change or just throwing up your hands and agreeing to circumstances. And when I say agree I mean making excuses for another. In no way does making excuses benefit you in no such way. It holds you back… It’s kind of like putting a leash around your neck and following your owner…

When inside do you tell yourself you are tired and can’t do it anymore? When do you put an end to the possessiveness of another whether it physical or mental… The real question is what allows a person to become that obedient person? At what stage in their life did the rode veer to the left and was not able to make it back to the straight path?? Whether it is intentional or non-intentional. When do we as individuals find understanding from the past to have a better future?

We have to understand that when not dealing with those stages in life and healing from it we are not able to move forward in a positive mind… In no way can that be possible… I have listened too many and found out they are scared to visit that past... To open that chapter of their life and address it head on… if issues go unaddressed in your life how are you able to move forward in a positive light… Your past will always have a hold over your present and future. It will find its way to halt you in your steps of mental progression if left unaddressed.

I have also come to see that many believe they will be judged by their past. In no way can anyone judge another that is a form of negativity… if there was less negativity coming out of our mouths there would be less issues coming up… The term so many use, ‘”think before you speak”, but not many do. Not many step out of the box and think first before they react to someone else’s actions or words. Because 9 times out of 10 those words that you are speaking is the truth for your own life your living. You live those negative words every day. So of course it becomes easy for you to say it because it is second nature… hmmm… And yes that is a horrible place to be at. Not being able to stop think and change your negative mindset because you have been living it so long.

It takes less energy to be happy then to always have a negative comment being directed at people. Look inside yourself and see what really is causing you to think the way your thinking and make that change in your life to become a better you…

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Song of the Day

Musiq Soulchild- ~LOVE~

What does Love mean to you?

 So had a very interesting conversation last night when I was in the mist of doing hair. We got on the topic of church and went from there.  I was asked what does Love me to me…

Smiled and handing him my phone to read my past post (promoting on the lowJ)… He went on to say wow I never looked at things that way… You have some valid points in what you’re discussing… I’m happy for you… I asked why are you happy for me and he said I don’t know just seems real good what are talking about… J

From that short 30 minute conversation brought me to the topic for today. What does Love mean to you?

Really sit and ask yourself that question and see what comes up in that thought process. For me Love is a state of one’s mental being. It’s a state of here and now. It’s more of just an emotion in words. Love has a deeper meaning to it. But, who is willing to find out what that meaning is? Who is willing to step out of that box, that comfort zone to really find out and understand what love is. Who is willing to be patient in that journey? No one can answer that question but you.

Don’t say you want to find love because that’s what everyone is suppose to do… For all the people that say they know what Love means many will fall short of understanding it. Many don’t live in that mental state of Love, so how are you able to know what it truly is.

From childhood to adult years when has anyone tried to understand the word Love instead of just using it…? As a child you learn from your parents what Love is. But in adult age many fall so short of it? Why is that? Is it because when you go from being a child in need of the protection of your parent to adulthood and the only one you have to protect you is you, you really don’t know who you are let alone how to protect yourself…

Protection is a form of stability… A comfort one needs for his own well being. It’s like a child with their blanket… Take away the blanket and the child is left crying but with the blanket the child is at ease. That is the same as with adulthood. Take away that protection and what is left for you… Nothing… Nothing but fear, misunderstanding, hate, and all the other negative things that seem to come so easy to many.

As an adult that is the state we start to live in and believe. Whether we are progressing in society or not we live in that unbalanced state of mind.  And an unbalanced mind is useless... It holds you back from getting to that ultimate state of positivity. So, when we, as adults, are able soul search and find, and understand that positivity in ourselves, we are able to understand better what Love really is for oneself.